Friday, November 21, 2008

Quarter is comin to a close...

1. The Sodexo cafeteria fails to adequately fulfill the student body’s need for food and a “third place” because of its short operating hours, limited food choices, and lack of friendly service.
2. The constraints and trigger points involved with modifying the cafeteria’s food and hours options are:
a. constraints
i. The plan must be cost-effective, due to the size of the school, limited hours are necessary. Also, most food must be bought in bulk, and this will obviously limit your food choices because lots of options causes less of each type of food to be eaten, which will cause some foods to possibly go bad.
ii. The location of the cafeteria is permanent, this is a constraint however movement is not a part of my proposal.
iii. Lack of interest in the cafeteria job.
b. Trigger Points
i. Later hours
ii. Friendlier staff
iii. Variety
3. Experience Architect; Products, services, and branding strategies; Third Place article; Emotional Design; The Design of Everyday Things
4. Interviewer: “You’ve said that the third place is important to the learning process. How so?
Oldenburg: “The third place affords opportunities to test ideas and opinions in a setting free from the formality and hierarchy of the classroom. I grew up in the school of hard lecture and so that was my mode when I taught, but I had a spacious office with a lot of chairs for students to come sit and talk about things in a group. There’s a hierarchy in the traditional classroom that is not present in the third place. The lack of structure and scheduled meeting times is a great leveler. All can be equally heard…”

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